Painting requires hand-eye coordination which is an important skill for babies and toddlers. Not only is it fun to play with colourful paints, painting aids your child's mobility skills and let's them explore their inner creative genius.
While painting is a lot of fun, it's also important to ensure the paint your child uses is non-toxic and suitable for their age. Baby and toddler skin can be much more susceptible to chemicals and oils so it's important you choose a safe, non-toxic paint made especially for children.
For younger babies, we like to use the First Creations Finger Paint set which is made in Australia from the highest quality ingredients and provides a thick and creamy texture for finger painting. The paint is non-toxic and easily washable with water so your furniture will stay intact.
For more developed toddlers we recommend the My First Painting set which contains the same non-toxic and washable paints, a paint palette, paintbrushes with an easy-hold handle, an art pad and a painting apron.
Browse our unique range of educational and arts & craft kits for kids. Love My Baby have 100s of fantastic gift ideas, all made by Australia's best small creative businesses.